Boopey was my internet friend ... in fact, the first one I met in person. I had posted about a craft I wanted for Awana and she responded and said "you must be southern baptist" and from there we became friends online... altho she was a much better friend to me than I was to her. We shared of each of us losing our sons and the strength the Lord gave us thru those rough times. She was not shy about sharing her faith, and we spent many hours late at night chatting, or we'd talk on the phone. I was so happy to get to meet Boopey when she went to Calif before I moved to Missouri ... I got to put a sweet face to that sweet voice I always talked to. It was wonderful to meet her and John, and I know they had a special love and he will miss her greatly. Boopey ... you are where you always wanted to be ... in the sweet arms of our Lord Jesus, and with Kenny. Please give Ty a hug for me. I love you, you were a special friend ... and I can never listen to an Alan Jackson song without thinking of you ! You ARE in peace! Your friend, Lindsay the SavedSinnr